Your privacy is very important to us at ISP. To better protect your rights we have provided the Privacy Policy to explain our privacy practices in detail. Please review the Privacy Policy to understand how ISP collects and uses the information associated with your Account and/or your use of the Services (the “User Information”). By using the Services or providing information on the Site, you:
(i) consent to ISP's collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of your Content, personal data and User Information as described in the Privacy Policy;
(ii) agree and acknowledge that the proprietary rights of your User Information are jointly owned by you and ISPshop; and
(iii) shall not, whether directly or indirectly, disclose your User Information to any third party, or otherwise allow any third party to access or use your User Information, without ISP's prior written consent.
Users in possession of another User’s personal data through the use of the Services (the “Receiving Party”) hereby agree that, they will (i) comply with all applicable personal data protection laws with respect to any such data; (ii) allow the User whose personal data the Receiving Party has collected (the “Disclosing Party”) to remove his or her data so collected from the Receiving Party’s database; and (iii) allow the Disclosing Party to review what information have been collected about them by the Receiving Party, in each case of (ii) and (iii) above, in compliance with and where required by applicable laws.